Client Testimonials
Having helped thousands of individuals and hundreds of families find their optimal health and wellbeing over the years, Dave uses the five elements of his wellbeing philosophy to great effect. It’s the level of consistency that truly makes him a expert in his chosen modality.

- Gained 6kg muscle & leaned up
- 50 year old with spirit of a teenager & the body of an athlete
- Proved change is always possible
Are you male? Got midline belly fat? Low testosterone and not enough energy to keep up with the kids!! Mark is about to inspire that inner roar!
Men are set in their ways! They get to over 50 and they figure well I’ve got this far doing what I’ve been doing it’s surely going to get me another 50 years! Except they are most likely a ticking time bomb! Well they could definitely take a leaf out of Mark’s books! Since he was taken under the wing of Dave he has put on a healthy 6 kilos of muscle and looks more ripped than guys in their 20’s! Yet this is not the most impressive facts on Mark! During this journey Mark has found his purpose! With the spirit of a teenager and the body of an athlete we have no doubt he will succeed! Mark puts to the sword the saying ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!’. Clearly Mark has proven you can!!

- Improved gut health & relationship with food
- Achieved her long desired physique
- Welcoming a new baby into the world
Have you been in a calorie deficit and training hard for a while and not getting anywhere? Meet Gen her body has been transformed inside and out!!
What’s the cost of pushing our body to the brink? Gen could tell you directly, and she often does. It’s severe neurological problems and a digestive system that ticked every gut ailment you can name! Her answer when faced with these challenges was to drive the body harder, less food and more training. I want to break the news to everyone, we are all different and we have to help according to their individual make up and issues! This is exactly what Dave did with Gen. The end result was better gut health, a far better relationship with food, and now she’s ready to welcome a healthy little baby into the world. Gen dropped a good 5.3% body fat and gained 1.6kg of muscle along the way too. This body is now equipped to handle anything that’s thrown at it!

- Gained 9.4kg of muscle leaning out 3.4%
- Overcame gut health problems
- More productive and capable at work
Have you been using just the same training systems forever? Is it still serving you and are you covering all aspects? Richard took a leap of faith and got his just rewards!
Sometimes to make something special you need ingredients from a few different sources! Richard is an example of this. Coach Joel provided Richard with good strength foundations. Coach Bianca with technique that would have most athletes jealous! With Coach Jack Reid he received a dedication to achieve all goals! Finally with Dave taking care of Richards biochemical imbalances plus underlying gut problems Richard had a mix of ingredients for a pretty special brew!! The end result has been a pretty special brew indeed. Putting on a much needed 9.4kg of muscle and dropping 3.4% body fat. Yet it’s with the gut that Richard needed to go through the checklist! Having SIBO, intestinal permeability and multiple pathogenic bacteria! It requires a special brew and a special person to go through multiple gut healing protocols! We definitely got a special person in Rich!!!

- Gave up on stimulants and feels incredible
- Healed years of ongoing lower back pain
- Got lean and solved gut issues
What is more important being pain free, not relying on stimulants for energy, better cognition and no gut issues or just body composition results! Well James got them all!!
James walked into 5ew for one reason! Lower-Back pain! It had plagued him for so long, that it was impacting his everyday life! The two pronged training approach saw Coach Joel initially build up a much needed strength base, followed by Coach Jack Turner focusing on much needed movement training. James is now completely pain free! His internal environment affected his energy levels and he had clear digestive symptoms such as indigestion and reflux. Upon investigation, it was discovered that he had an overgrowth of negative gram bacteria and beneficial bacteria imbalances. There was no need for Assessor Dave to put him on a tailored eating plan. Instead, he focused on giving him the correct nutrients, and reducing the inflammation caused by the bacteria. James became a lean mean movement machine, with a 4.1kg increase in muscle and a 6% drop in body fat!

- Overcame multiple sclerosis & now training 5x per week
- Detoxed huge amount of lead
- Now practises gratitude everyday
If you think your destiny is already written! Then just chat to Melissa and she will convince you it most certainly is not!!
Your problems seem pretty insignificant when you come across somebody like Melissa. Her symptoms were so bad that it simply wouldn’t fit on this blurb. When diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune condition that affects the protective nerve coverings, Melissa knew she wanted to tackle it head on! With Dave, she continues to go from strength to strength! Initially scraping through one training session a week, she now trains 5 times a week- regularly! Melissa struggled with gut issues such as structural damage and bacteria, and her lead levels were off the charts! Her gut environment is now much healthier, and according to recent heavy metal testing, her lead is in the lowest percentile. Melissa practices gratitude after every training session and it’s clear the shackles of her condition are completely unravelling!!

- Overcame gut issues & aggressive heavy metal detox
- Dramatically improved cognition & energy
- Lost 8.8% body fat and gained 6.7kg muscle
Meet Duane – A young guy with underlying gut issues, poor lifestyle habits and had asked a little bit too much of his body, except he turned it all around!
Like many young men Duane had given things a good nudge. The problem is at some point it catches up to us all. For Duane it may have been a little bit earlier than most.
However when it happens it still asks the same question of us! What should I do now?
With several gut protocols we’ll clear excess amounts of heavy metals like mercury and we’ll get the internal environment functioning like a well oiled machine.
The result? Better cognition, no gut disruption, greater energy and a drop of 8.8% excess body fat and an input of 6.7kg of muscle! Duane’s results with Dave didn’t come in the designated time frame of 8-12 weeks! Why? Because sometimes more pressing factors take priority. But the results still came and with far better added bonuses!

- Healed gut problems & embraced vitalising breathing techniques
- Dropped 11.1% fat & gained massive 14.3kg muscle
- Increased stress & resilience, boosted work productivity
Run your own business? Feel highly stressed! Well James does and he definitely was! He still dropped 11.1% and gained a whopping 14.3kg of muscle though.
When James started working with us the key objective was to peel back his layers of stress just like an onion. With investigation it was found that James had a plither of unwanted visitors in his gut. One of them was a parasite named Dientamoeba Fragilis. It invades the large intestine and can lead to long term issues like leaky gut and chronic fatigue. With issues like this it was no wonder his stress resilience was poor! With multiple gut healing protocols, a switch in training structure and adopting breathing exercises the inner goodness of the onion was revealing itself. James has dropped a huge 11.1% and gained a massive 14.3kg of muscle and is now more productive for his business!

- Solved aggressive digestive stress issues
- Learned to embrace a positive relationship with food
- Dropped 8.8% body fat and gained 7kg of muscle
Tara developed strength in strongman exercises that rivaled many of the guys in the gym! Yet it was her gut and eating habits that were the big winner in this experience!
Tara came to 5th Element looking for a better looking body shape! The fact of the matter is she left with a lot more. Whilst working with Dave Tara grew in all aspects of her everyday life! She overcame ongoing digestive stress, especially in the realms of Candida overgrowth. She overcame her fear of food. She also developed strength that she previously thought was beyond her! As Tara’s health improved so did her confidence. Coming out of her shell more and more. Tara ticked off some body composition goals dropping 8.8% body fat and gaining 7 kilos of muscle!
Video Testimonials
Acting can have huge demands! Not everyone has the ability to remember large amounts of lines in a script and then blurt them out on screen. It requires great patience and a supreme memory as well.
Dominic Cooper from hit movies like The Devil’s Double and TV series Preacher came to Dave looking for a transformation in not just his exterior, but in his interior also.
Under the constant guidance of Co Founder Dave, Dominic dropped an impressive 7.5% of body-fat and increased his lean muscle mass by 5.2kg in only 13 weeks worth of work. Not only this but Dave checked what significant correlations were taking place with his blood markers, and supplemented with the correct support nutrients. Through a change in nutrition on top of this, Dominic found energy that would sustain him for much longer periods during filming days and nights. I feel blessed to have had Dominic around on a constant basis!
The Symptoms:
- Poor strength
- Sugar cravings
- Energy slumps during the day
- High antibody response
- Cholesterol metabolism complications
The Results:
- Increased energy
- No slumps during long days acting
- Pulling 200kg on Backward Drag
- Gained 5.2kg leam muscle mass
- Lost 7.5% body fat