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Liver Long and Prosper

The liver is essentially known as the project manager of our body. At times we can simply overwhelm her with too many projects. Could you imagine a work project without the proper structure or organisation? Well, the human body is a pretty complicated project, so you best be sure your organisation is on point. Unfortunately in […]

The Science Behind: Why You Can’t Switch Off

Ever heard the term Allostatic Load? Not many people have. It refers to the cumulative effect of stress from the many different avenues of our lifestyle. Essentially it means wear and tear, and the heavy cost on our body from long periods of exposure to stress. These stresses entail things like environmental, trauma and abuse, fight and flight responses, […]

The Unexpected Key to Longevity

If you’d have told me a few years ago that community has the highest impact on our biochemistry and our internal environment, I would’ve dismissed it immediately. Being a sceptic comes at a cost. It means you miss out on important pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that make us more fulfilled and complete as people. The definition of […]


Dave and his team are always open to partnerships, collaborations, interviews, guest apparences on podcasts and interviews. If you would like to speak with Dave about setting this up please enter your details below.